9th February 2009, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK….. The APM Group, which is responsible for accrediting the ITIL Qualification Scheme, has announced the completion of the ITIL intermediate qualifications. Candidates can now make their way to the ITIL Expert level upon successful completion of the intermediate modules.
Sharon Taylor, Chief Examiner, said: "The release of the ITIL Intermediate qualifications marks the completion of over a year of effort by the V3 Examiners. It also marks a first-of-its-kind candidate-focused structure with flexible, modular qualification choices geared towards a variety of learning needs. Whether you need a specialized, intense and detailed focus on ITIL processes, or desire generalized expertise in service lifecycle stages, the intermediate qualifications are designed to meet a broad range of ITIL education needs."
Work also continues on the highest level of the ITIL Qualification scheme – ITIL Master. "The next level of professional achievement - the ITIL Master level - is nearing design completion and I look forward to its release," Taylor said. "I'm pleased at the interest shown by the community and look forward to seeing many ITIL Expert graduates in the near future."