With over 600 professional sample questions, our ITIL Foundation practice exams give you a good impression of what to expect during the official certification exam and form excellent preparation. Free Demo at ItsmOnline Solutions.com
For Immediate Release:
United States of America (Press Release) February 16, 2009 --
Our company, ITSM Online Solutions Inc., is dedicated to helping IT Service Management and Project Management professionals like you, achieve your professional certifications. Our professionally prepared ITIL v3 exam preparation questions are authored by certified and experienced ITIL v3 experts. Our current offering of new online ITIL v3 Foundation practice exams consist of over 400 ITIL Foundation sample questions based on the official ITIL v3 Foundation course syllabus.
Through our website, you can take a demo of the practice test, and purchase 60 day access to the practice test of the ITIL v3 Foundation exam. Our tests don’t just help you study what you already know; you learn the material, with tutorial explanations for all answers as well as direction to reference materials like the five core ITIL v3 Lifecycle volumes, and other APMG and OGC, accredited study guides for ITIL v3 Foundation certification.
ITSM Online Solutions looks forward to helping Service Management professionals like you develop your career and achieve your ITSM and Project Management certifications
. You will learn quickly with our Learning Mode practice exams and accurately test your knowledge with our Exam Mode practice exams. Pass the EXIN (EXO-101) or ISEB (BHO-006) ITIL v3 exams on your first try!
And remember, before making the investment in our 60-day online practice exam session, you can try our free demo exams. Our industry certified ITIL v3 experts are ready to help you jump start your certification preparation. You can pass your official ITIL v3 exam and achieve certification within your 60 day subscription period. We guarantee it!
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